Saturday, December 25, 2010


Yesterday, at Christmas Eve, we played poker. Yes sir, we played poker. On Christmas Eve. From 7-11. My cousin, A, ran an entire monopoly, swapping money for chips from his huge supply. I kept on shaking my head when this happened, muttering "This had got to be illegal somewhere." Needless to say, I lost horribly. But if you think that's bad, you should hear about the adults. My aunt lost $170, more or less. Probbally more. You can't blame her though, she had no idea how to play since it was her first time. But see, the starting bet was only $10. Aunt kept on piling more money though. My uncle did slightly better. He only lost $60. Being the gambling junkie that he is, he bluffed a lot. Still, he made it out way longer than my aunt. As for me, I lost about $25. Not bad, right? By the way, we were playing Texas Hold'em.

Philosophy of the Holiday: Santa is like God. If you're good, you get presents (heaven). If you're bad, you get coals ( burn in Hell). 

Great analogy, isn't it?
Every year, Christmas is different. One year, we spent it in a ski resort. Another time, we spent it in Church. Last year, we didn't do anything except get Chinese food. This year, I have a feeling we're going to play poker again.

Background Information: Nothing. This doens't go along with a book or anything, it's just how I view the world sometimes
Quote of the Day:
Maybe there's not much hope in the world but there's enough to get by.
What do you think? Too pessimistic?

Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Show, Eclipses , and Meteor Showers

Yesterday, I went to the the Radio City Christmas Spectacular. Needless to say, it was spectacular. Unfortunately, we got there a bit late and missed the 3-D part. Afterwords, we went around in the freezing cold, like the fools we are, and laughed at all the stupid tourists who kept on bumping into others. We saw Rockefeller Center too. Was it me or did the tree seem smaller this year? Then, we walked to Time Square and bought a kabob hot dog and some nuts. If you ever visit NY, you gotta buy the nuts. They're like candidied, crystallized, bits of heaven. A word of advice: they're a bit overprice.
As for today (well technically tomorrow) there's going to be a full lunar eclipse. First one in two years! Next one's going to be in 2014, or so scientists claim. I wish it wasn't so late so that I could watch it. It's from 1-5.
More onto space, there's going to be a meteor shower. Though not renown for anything special as they're not particularly bright, we may have a chance to see them tonight since the moon will dim

Background Information: Girl just find out horrible news
Quote of the day:
I felt like crying but I didn't need to. The sky was doing it for me.
For those of you that don't get it, it's raining

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Presents and Commercials

Christmas is coming! Woohoo! This week would be perfect except.... WHAT DO YOU GET A GUY??? Not like, you know, something specific but something in general. For girls, it SOOO easy. Jewelry: the one and only perfect present. It's either earring, or necklaces, or bracelets. Maybe I'm being stereotypical; some girls just aren't really into jewelry. So yeah, no offense.
Like what do you get a guy?? Power tools?? And by a guy, i mean adults. But seriously, this guy (I'm going to refer to him as S)  i know really gets his dad power tools. The only present I've decided was to give my uncle a book titled ,"52 Ways to Cheat at Poker." He always wins. ALWAYS! Everyone knows he cheats but he does it so cleverly that we can never figure out how. Maybe I should get my cousin (the one in the marines, A) a martini cup. He's like 21 so it's legal for him to consume alcohol. Now that I think about it, I should have given him one on his birthday. That would have been epic. XD

You ever heard of the Blue Sky Project? It's basically a really cool peroject where they try to make music for commercials. I know that sounds lame but it really is ok. But you need to hear the music first before judging it.
Here's what you have to do:                                      

  1. got to youtube
  2. type in "Clorox Pirates"
  3. click on the link
  4. listen to it, don't focus on the screen
  5. there will probbally be a link for Clorox Mermaid at the right. if not, you need to type it in.
  6. listen
  7. not you can judge
Trust me, you'll like it. And I'm going to try to put in a quote in every post.
Background Information: The first person's narrative is a guy and he just moved from a sophisticated, prim, elite school to a regular public school. The setting is his first day when he meets a girl.

“I have survived because I've learned how the system works,” she told me.Her eyes were piercing, seeming to look straight to my soul. I just barely suppressed a shudder. “And you,” she continued, “are going to survive because I’m going to teach you how to work the system.”
Clever, isn't it?

Feedback Please!!!!!!!

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Few things you should know:
1) I'm a teenage girl (duh)
2) This blog will probably have a series of rants, drafts of a few books i'm working, random phrases i think of, books, and music.
3) I'm probably going put some stuff from my personal life in this blog too
4) You ever try plagiarism from me, i will hunt you down. I got a lawyer for a cousin, a Marine for a cousin, and an experienced hacker for a brother. Yes, be scared. Be very scared.